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How to Care for Your Child Teeth?

Jul 9

Healthy teeth are essential to your child’s overall health. They help your child eat and talk. Intense oral care helps set good dental habits as your child grows. Poor oral care can lead to infection, disease, or other teeth problems. You can help your child care for their teeth by teaching them how to brush and floss properly. It would help if you also took them to the dentist regularly. Parents teach all excellent habits to their children.


The same goes for practicing good dental health. Disciplining your child to care for his oral hygiene can be an uphill task. Children are carefree and do not understand the importance of good oral hygiene. Kids are fond of sugary stuff. As a result, they often binge-eat sticky sweets without realizing how harmful they can be to their tender gums and teeth.


The mouth is the gateway to the digestive system. Therefore, oral health is linked to overall wellness. A healthy mouth will ensure your child gets the essential nutrients required for growth. However, the presence of oral bacteria inside the mouth is dangerous as it can lead to the formation of cavities.


Good oral care starts with you. You can help your child have healthy teeth and gums as a parent. Here are some tips:


  1. Schedule regular dental checkups for your child. Dental professionals can spot early signs of trouble and help prevent problems.
  2. Help your child brush their teeth correctly and twice a day for the recommended two minutes. Use a pea-sized amount of toothpaste with fluoride.
  3. Limit sugary drinks and snacks. Too much sugar can cause cavities.
  4. Model good oral care habits for your child. They’re more likely to follow your lead if they see you taking care of your teeth.
  5. Talk to your child’s dentist about sealants. Sealants are plastic coatings that can help protect teeth from cavities.
  6. Don’t smoke around your child. Secondhand smoke increases the risk of oral health problems.


Path to improved health


The role of fluoride


Fluoride is essential to your child’s dental health. It is known to reduce cavities in baby (primary) teeth and adult (permanent) teeth. It also helps make teeth strong by hardening the tooth enamel. Most children get fluoride in drinking water. In addition, many cities are required to add fluoride to tap water. Water filters, such as Brita, do not remove fluoride and are okay to use. However, it would be best if you did not use “reverse osmosis” water filters.

Brushing and flossing


It’s essential to start teaching your child good oral hygiene habits as soon as their first tooth erupts. This will help them get into the habit of taking care of their teeth and help prevent cavities. Use a pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste on your child’s toothbrush. Please help your child brush all their teeth, both front, and back. It would be best if you brushed their teeth for them until they can do it on their own, usually around age 6 or 7.


Mouth safety


Safety is another big part of dental hygiene. If your child plays sports, they should wear a mouth guard. This is a soft, plastic retainer that covers the teeth and sometimes the lips. It helps protect your child’s mouth from injuries. Talk to your dentist if you need a custom-fit mouth guard.




Cavities are holes that form in your teeth. These can occur when bacteria (germs) build up in your mouth. For example, sugar in food and drinks turns into an acid, which can eat away at your teeth. Cavities are common in children because their teeth can be harder to brush. Therefore, everyone in your family should take good care of their teeth. Those with cavities can pass the cavity-causing bacteria to unborn babies, infants, and children.


From baby teeth to adult teeth


In general, baby teeth appear between 4 and 7 months old. The first teeth to come in are usually the two bottom front teeth. Most kids have all 20 baby teeth by about three years of age.

Children can lose their baby teeth as early as six years old and as late as 12 years old. During this process, your child has a mix of teeth as baby ones fall out and adult ones break. Around this time, your dentist may talk to you and your child about possible teeth problems. In addition, some kids need orthodontic treatment, such as braces. A complete set of adult teeth is 32 teeth. This includes wisdom teeth, which most people do not get until their late teens or early adulthood.


At River District Smiles Dentistry, your child can have healthy teeth and gums. Schedule a dental checkup for your child today.
